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    Serving 50 States


A business term loan is a lump sum of money you borrow from a lender, then pay back at fixed intervals — with interest — over a set period of time. Depending on your lender, you'll pay off the loan on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Repayment periods can last from a few months up to 10 years or more.

Term Loans From $5K to $10M

Borrower Criteria

Required Preferred
Time in Business 12 months 24 Months
FICO 550 700
Monthly Revenues $10k $35k
Entity Structure N/A LLC / Corporate


Amounts $5k - $10M
Term Length 6 months - 7 years
Payment Frequency Daily, Weekly, Monthly
% of Revenue 1 - 20% of annual revenue
Closing Time Frame 1 to 2 weeks
Credit Pull Soft


Basic credit application
Copy of credit report
6 months of business bank statements
Government issued photo ID
Voided check or bank letter
Financial statements & tax returns for $125,000+ requests
Signed by owner with 50%+ ownership


Predictable payments
Longer payback period
No prepayment penalties
Funding in < 1 week

*** All files are subject to full underwriting & qualifications specified by each bank. There can be no assurance that any applicant will be approved and that credit will be offered.***

 Quick & Reliable

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